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Long Term Goals

At the moment, I'm working full-time as a technical lead in a subscription payments company. My long-term goal would be to create my own software and build a software company from the ground up

Strengths and limitations in Bootcamp

My communication skills and learning ability would be strengths that I will be leaning on for bootcamp. My limitations can come in the form of working with others, and collaborating on a specific project or code. I will need to learn how to correctly work in pairs or as part of a team.

Biggest non-technical challenge at bootcamp

The challenges are similar to the limitations I described above. Working in a group on a project might present some challenges with me, given I usually like things being done in a certain way and need to learn how to properly compromise and limit any potential frustration.

Skills I would Like to Develop at EDA

First and foremost, I'd like to develop collaborative working skills. At my job, I work more in an individual and decisive role, and less as part of a team. I would like to better understand and be able to work with the developers, and other teammates.

I'd also like to learn how to switch on and switch off - mainly because my modus operandi is 'Always On'.

Finally, I'd like to also learn some organizational skills - crucial when working in a team on a complex project.

Expectations from the Bootcamp team

Similar to my facilitator expectations, I expect the bootcamp team to guide us and help us whenever we are stuck. Support is nudging us in the right direction, and being there if we need to talk things out (thoughts or frustrations)

Expectations of myself

Always conduct myself in a professional manner, but also be myself. I'll look for help whenever I need it, be it from my peers or from the teachers at Bootcamp, and I will always be mindful to not fall behind and keep an open learning mindset. I will constantly strive to be as productive as possible, be open to constructive criticism and radical candor, and make sure I adhere to any safety rules.

Strengths and limitations in learning

I generally tend to absorb information quickly, which is something I'm lucky to have. I also have an analytical mind and I'm usually able to come up with creative solutions to problems by bringing together different elements that I've learnt. My limitations would be that I can get frustrated easily, especially if I find that a specific problem is taking me too long to whittle down into digestible pieces. The key there would be to leave it, reassess, then try again - but sometimes I get stuck thinking about something for a little longer than I should.

Managing workload, stress, and collaborative working

I will always work collaboratively, respect other people, and respect their opinions. I will maintain a positive growth mindset, and I will always be willing to learn from testing, theory, and from mistakes. I usually work well under stress, but if I do feel things starting to ramp up to the point of overwhelm, I will let my facilitator know.

Seeking help

If I'm in doubt, I never hesitate to ask questions. I value knowledge and believe in knowldge sharing, and I'm always ready to help someone if I'm in a position to do that, so I also expect that in return. I will never be demanding or go overboard with my ask, and will always maintain politeness, but I will also never shy away from seeking answers if I ever feel stuck.


During the boot-camp time, I am fully committed to it and have no other expectations. If something urgent comes up, I will discuss this with the people at EDA and we'll figure out how to best plan around it.

Expectations from facilitators

I do not have any concrete expectations. I would just expect them to be there to point me in the right direction when needed, and to care about our learning and growth.