How understanding neuroplasticity principles benefits people
While the definition of Neurplasticity is still debated with multiple perspectives, one particular perspective focuses on the process that described the change in neural activity.
Some of the principles can be readily practiced in order to maintain brain health, and being mindful of the principles and figuring out how to implement them allows for a healthier mind.
How I engage with the principles of neuroplasticity
Repeating tasks and exercises, using the same principles in different areas, upping the learning intensity, and making sure all these are done consistently.
Ways to increase neuroplasticity
The above describes how to increase neuroplasticity, but further to that, research shows that physical fitness and exercise boosts neurplasticity. So does a healthy diet and sufficient sleep.
One of the best Neuroplasticity Resources
What is a growth mindset?
A growth mindset is believing and understanding that skills, talent, and abilities can be developed and are not necessarily innate.
How I will integrate a growth mindset in my journey
I always try to maintain a positive growth mindset, and actively try to change my way of thinking when I fall back to the more comfortable fixed mindset thinking. I'll always be open to new difficult challenges,
I'll practice radical candor, and I'll be open to constructive comments and criticism.
One of the best resources on the growth mindset (yes, this is the same website as the one for neuroplasticity. I find that they have excellent articles and resources)
How these concepts will shape my learning plan
By making sure I will always engage in activities and exercises that help improve neuroplasticity, and by maintaining a growth mindset, I will try to make the most of my time learning at EDA. As
someone familiar with these concepts and their benefits, I will make sure I make the most of this understanding when learning programming (code and concepts).
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